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Spherical Voronoi diagrams with Vorosketch

Vorosketch does not support input or output of sites on a sphere (yet). Nevertheless Vorosketch can generate Voronoi diagrams of points on the sphere, rendered according to one of various map projections, with the following work-arounds:

The catch with the sites generated with -@ or -# is that the sites themselves will not be drawn in the diagram, but you can see where they are if you draw contour lines with the -i option; see below for several examples.

Available map projections

To specify the projection, use -m “spherical(projection)”, where projection is one of the following.

projection parameter (α) drawing area standard parallel properties examples
orthographic unit disk 90N -h
gnomonic full plane 90N L-h
central azimuthal
stereographic full plane 90N CI
polar azimuthal
azimuthal equal-area unit disk 90N A 20 sites
lambert azimuthal
azimuthal equidistant unit disk 90N D
central cylindrical strip [−1,1] × [−∞,∞] 0
mercator strip [−1,1] × [−∞,∞] 0 C indicatrix
cylindrical equal-area 1 rectangle [−1,1] × [−1/(πα),1/(πα)] arccos(√α) A
lambert cylindrical
behrmann 3/4 4 sites
gall orthographic 1/2
equirectangular 1 rectangle [−1,1] × [−1/(2α),1/(2α)] arccos(α)
gall isographic √(1/2)
sinusoidal 2 pseudo-ellipse with axes 2, 2/α 0 A 4 sites
mollweide 2 ellipse with axes 2, 2/α A 20 sites
hammer 2 ellipse with axes 2, 2/α 0 A indicatrix
aitoff 2 ellipse with axes 2, 2/α 0
werner heart shape with corners (0,0), (0,−1) AD-f 20 sites, indicatrix
Legend of properties:
A equal-area (shows sizes true to scale everywhere)
C conformal (preserves angles)
D equidistant (shows distances from the centre point true to scale everywhere)
L preserves lines (shortest connections): great circles are shown as lines
I preserves circles: all circles on the sphere are shown as circles on the map
-h only shows one hemisphere
-f slow implementation in Vorosketch: filter for pre-scan not yet implemented

Pre-defined sets of sites

The sets of sites available with the -# option are the following:

-# 2 sites on poles: distance contours on parallels, bisector on equator
-# 4 sites on corners of regular tetrahedron
-# 6 sites on corners of a regular octahedron (on poles and on equator, spaced 90 degrees)
-# 8 sites on corners of a cube (with Cartesian coordinates ±√(1/3))
-# 20 sites on corners of a regular dodecahedron
-# 24 sites on equator: bisectors at meridians spaced 15 degrees'
-# 36 sites on equator: bisectors at meridians spaced 10 degrees'
-# 62 sites on intersections of parallels and meridians spaced 30 degrees (Tissot's indicatrix)


Sinusoidal projection, 4 sites

The Voronoi diagram of four uniformly spaced sites on the sphere (four corners of a regular tetrahedron). Can you tell all regions are equal?

vorosketch -m "spherical(sinusoidal)" -p trubetskoy-modified -bi 0.07 -w 1.1 -\# 4

Behrmann projection, 4 sites

vorosketch -m "spherical(behrmann)" -p trubetskoy-modified -bi 0.07 -w 1.1 -\# 4

Azimuthal equal-area projection, 20 sites

The Voronoi diagram of twenty uniformly spaced sites on the sphere (the corners of regular dodecahedron, or, equivalently, the centres of the facets of a regular icosahedron):

vorosketch -m "spherical(azimuthal equal-area)" -p trubetskoy-modified -bi 0.07 -w 1.1 -\# 20

Mollweide projection, 20 sites

vorosketch -m "spherical(mollweide)" -p trubetskoy-modified -bi 0.07 -w 1.1 -\# 20

Stab-Werner projection, 20 sites

vorosketch -m "spherical(werner)" -p trubetskoy-modified -bi 0.07 -w 1.1 -\# 20

Hammer projection, Tissot's indicatrix

Below: Tissot's indicatrix for the Hammer, Mercator, and Stab-Werner projections. The distance measure includes subtraction of 0.07 so that around each site, we get a shaded disk (where distance is negative). Note that the sites of Tissot's indicatrix are not uniformly distributed on the sphere, so the indicatrix also has something of a distortion of its own. You may notice that the “parallels” do not look straight. That is because they are not actually parallels, but they are chains of Voronoi edges, each of which is a segment of a great circle, which a parallel is not (unless it is the equator).

vorosketch -m "spherical(hammer)-0.07" -i 0.07 -w 1.1 -\# 62

Mercator projection, Tissot's indicatrix

vorosketch -m "spherical(mercator)-0.07" -i 0.07 -w 1.1 -\# 62

Stab-Werner projection, Tissot's indicatrix

vorosketch -m "spherical(werner)-0.07" -i 0.07 -w 1.1 -\# 62